cheese cakes
... cheese wedding cakes or 'celebration cakes', have really taken off over the last couple of years. People choose them because they want something a bit different, because they aren't wild about fruit cake ... or because they just love cheese and want to get some visual value out of the cheese course. Decorate a cheese cake well and it'll be stunning, the centre of attention.So why should you choose us to supply your Cheese Wedding Cake?
- We're very enthusiastic about cheese, as you can see. We don't just sell cheese cakes. On the contrary, we're cheesemongers first and foremost: we also sell wedding cakes.
- We have a range of good off-the-peg cakes in various sizes.
- If you can't see quite what you want, email me: I'll see if we can help with a bespoke cake.
- We know that shape and proportions matter if a cake is to look really good, and so we take a lot of trouble over design.
Last but not least, it's not our style to bump prices up for wedding customers: all our cheese is priced on the same basis.
You might also like to look at a small selection of the comments our customers have made. See the what our customers say page.
lead time for wedding cakes
Please try and give us as much notice as you possibly can, and ideally at least a month. We can manage with less if we have to, but it's hugely helpful to us have plenty of notice for these very important orders.
the cakebuilder
Only the Cheese Shed has cakebuilder - the tool that enables you to design and build your own tailor-made cheese wedding cake. On the left of the page you'll see the list of cheeses - drag and drop these onto the platter to build your cake. As you go, you'll see how many this would feed (using our standard measure of 1kg per 10 guests), and the cost. You can also get a good idea what the cake would look like.
You can save your cake to look at another day (the system will email you a link), or put the result on Facebook for your friends to enjoy. And when you've tweaked the design to perfection, simply 'add to cart' and order ...